Top 3 Drugstore Lipsticks

Hello again, sorry I haven’t posted in like forever I’m not really getting off on a great start am I. I am hoping to make up for that by doing a little mini series called ‘Drug Store Top Picks’ to start it off I shall picking my top Winter/Autumn Lipsticks. beaut2beaut

When Winter starts my vampy side comes out to play, I start to over use the dark colors and purples on my eyes. Top of my list has to be from Collection 2000- Revenge, I find applying these with a lip brush is better pay off I found the color lasted a little longer. The texture is very smooth I always forget I am wearing a lipstick as it feels like a balm, for £2.99 you cant complain. When I’m not wearing the dark lips I’m loving reds Rimmel Kate Moss in #22 is perfect its a bright red with a hint of orange and its matte, its not drying and the pigment is amazing, I love the Kate Moss lipsticks in any shade but something about this color that is my top favorite. the third drugstore lipstick is the Bourjois Rouge Edition #14 Pretty Prune a beautiful deep plum color, the formula is really good and creamy. I love how this  lipstick feels on! for a drugstore its pretty amazing and has to be one of my favorite lipsticks.

Do you have any good recommendations? Let me know your thoughts on these if you pick them up on your next drugstore dash

xox Chantelle

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